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How to avoid the Burnout Culture of Today

One of the things I love about the culture of today is the strong belief that we can have it all. Abundance and opportunity are trending, possibilities seem endless and our ability to do it all seems higher than ever. Sometimes we get so encouraged , so motivated and so inspired that we just put push full steam ahead.

We get on a high of success, productivity and checking off all the boxes and then we crash. We feel depleted. We become exhausted and then we judge ourselves for not being able to be “enough” Have you ever felt this way,? I know I have.

We are living in a burnout culture. Expectations, desires and pressures are high, while balance and boundaries tend to take a back seat. As we know this leads to a multitude of side effects like depression, anxiety, exhaustion, stress and even illness.

Think abut it, would you always drive your car in full speed? Your gas tank would be empty in no time. Humans are the same. We are wearing ourselves out trying to be everything to everyone, when all we really have to be is our true selves and show up for what really matters.

Taking care of yourself is equally as important as taking care of your external responsibilities and so here are 5 tips for battling burnout and coming back into balance.

  1. Carve out moments daily for you. It could be simply 5 mins to close your eyes and meditate, to enjoy a hot drink, or attend a yoga class , maybe journal or read on the train. The time is there for you, find it, set it aside and put yourself back on the list of priorities.

  2. Make a list of your dreams, desires, wishes -write them down with a date, it’s now a goal.Be clear on what your soul truly desires and start honing in on the actions you can take to make them reality. So often we get burned out because we have misdirected energy. We don’t really know what we want , so we do it all until we figure it out. Get clear and confident to conserve that precious energy!

  3. Allow yourself to say no. As much as we’d like to be able to say that we can do it all, the truth is, we can’t. We can’t be everywhere, all the time, fulfilling everyone else’s expectations and demands. Know that you can say no to the things that don’t light you up or aren’t aligned with your vision and start practising it !

  4. Unplug for peace of mind. We are in a rime where we are expected to constantly be connected to everything, When continually refreshing emails, checking social media, our brains are never given a break. We are always feeding our minds external information without ever giving it the space it needs to just be, set boundaries with yourself on how much time you’ll spend connected and take some time to unplug.

  5. Make rest a priority. Have you noticed how poorly functioning we all are when we don’t get adequate sleep? Our bodes ,minds and souls need rest every single day. remember that sleep is part of the equation to creating your best life.

It’s about staying balanced on a day to day basis, your energy is a precious resource. There is no point is having completed a huge to do list ,if it means you end the day, exhausted with no energy to enjoy the things you would like to do.

I run self -care classes, including the “power of no”, “ eating and sleeping well “ and “Understanding where your energy goes”

Work on getting that balance right!

Carole x

Carole Haywood-Poole